
Healthy Mulberry Silk Fabric

How Is Mulberry Silk Made?
The traditional way is to harvest the silk while the moth is still in the cocoon. This leaves the silk strand undamaged and gives you a much longer fiber to work with. Manufacturers who use this method will typically boil the cocoons, which kills the moths. Then, they brush the outside of the cocoon until they find the end of the fiber and unravel the cocoon. Some people use the moth inside as a food source.

The other way of harvesting the silk is called Ahimsa, or Peace silk. In this method, manufacturers wait until the silkworm matures and makes a hole in the cocoon to emerge as a moth. The hole breaks the silk strand into several pieces of various lengths, but it doesn’t harm the moth.

Once the cocoon is unraveled, manufacturers weave the strands into the fabric one way or the other. There are a variety of weaving techniques that manufacturers can use with these fibers. Mulberry silk refers more to the type of fiber than the weaving technique.

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What Are the Characteristics of Mulberry Silk Fabric?
Mulberry silk stands out among other silks for its smooth texture, durability, and hypoallergenic qualities. The smoothness and softness come from the long, uniform length of the individual fibers.The long fibers make the surface of the finished fabric smoother.

In addition to the strength, the cocoon silk is antimicrobial and antifungal, so the fabric will stay fresher for longer. The silk is naturally odorless, and the protein in the fiber (sericin) is biocompatible with humans, meaning it rarely causes irritation or allergic reaction. This makes mulberry silk a perfect option if you have sensitive skin or are allergy-prone.

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What Is Mulberry Silk Fabric Used for?
Mulberry silk is the most common type of silk on the market, so it is used in many textile products. For garments, it is usually used in more formal or expensive items due to the high cost of the fabric. Wedding dresses, black tie attire, and the linings for high-fashion coats and jackets are frequently made of silk.
High-end home décor and upholstery are sometimes made with silk too. It’s durable enough for frequent use on furniture, and the shine and dye capabilities make it visually interesting for wall hangings or curtain elements.
It’s also commonly used for luxury bedding. The hypoallergenic qualities and the extremely soft feel make it good for comfortable sleep. The smoothness also helps protect hair from breakage when used for pillowcases.

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If you are interested in any mulberry products or fabric, welcome consult.

Post time: Jul-15-2023